Write on: A Guide To Stay Motivated

Writing doesn't always go the way you intend. On this tiresome yet exciting journey, you may get lost at certain points, and at times you may even doubt yourself. 

Many a time, you might also lose confidence in your skill and in your story.
Still, your inner writer reminds you not to give up, and you persist to write even though you would have lost the inexplicable joy you once had at the beginning.

After a while, it becomes stressful, right? It feels like you are compelled to write a story rather than writing for satisfaction and joy.

What should I do in a situation like this?

1. My simple suggestion would be to just shut the book and keep it away, to let it be an incomplete story on your table. Writing is supposed to be exciting, not stressful. Wait for another incredible story idea to inspire you again.

2. Don't compel yourself to write a bunch of chapters in one go.
Take your time. It's been weeks since I have begun my new story and I've only completed 5 pages...

It doesn't matter how slowly you move as long as you move forward.

Understand that you don't have to push yourself to write. Writing is your passion, and passion is something to enjoy accomplishing.

Don't remain upset thinking about the incomplete stories heaped on your table. Just write on.


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